The Model 615 Pressure Chamber Instrument is a favorite for growers making routine water measurements and scheduling irrigation. It is the product of customer input. Our customers requested an instrument that was fully enclosed in a dust-proof case with an easily removable tank. They wanted an instrument that was easily hand carried or ready for mounting on an All-Terrain-Vehicle (ATV). The results of these requests is the Model 615 Pressure Chamber.
The Pump-Up Pressure Chamber is different from the conventional gas chamber in that it does not require a source of compressed gas. The instrument produces pressure in the chamber required to take water potential readings by pumping it as shown below. The relatively small chamber allows the user to achieve about one half Bar (7.25 psi) pressure per stroke. The instrument is limited to 20 Bar and is designed primarily for irrigation scheduling/monitoring, particularly for managing deficit irrigation.
Think about all the tools you’d need to measure wind speed, temperature, humidity, and dew point; then combine all those specific jobs and a handful of others into one portable, digital machine and you have the Kestrel 3000 Weather Meter. This rugged, handheld weather, wind, and heat index meter contains a responsive temperature sensor, and temperature-corrected humidity chamber to quickly and accurately measure important data instantly.
*A Cell Phone or Tablet
*A lighted hand lens can be of help when working with small samples or when working in pre-dawn conditions. The above lens is an LED-illuminated lens that allows close magnification and lights the sample at the same time.
*Commodity Specific Stem Water Potential Bags – These bags are made of a foil-laminate material similar to Mylar but heavier duty. They have a zip-lock type opening on the top and the sides are pressed together and can be trimmed off to make the bag fit better into the chamber. SWP Bags are durable and are designed to be reused many times. They are normally lost in the orchard before they wear out.
*A razor blade or any type of sharp cutting tool to assist in removing the leafs from the trees.